Fire Sprinkler System 101: A Guide to the Basics

Residential fire sprinkler systems are designed to save lives by giving homeowners time to escape during a fire. When activated, they are very effective in reducing damage and even controlling the fire.

All fire sprinkler systems must follow the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards in the design and installation of fire protection systems. Read on to learn about the components and processes behind a high-quality fire sprinkler system.

Fire Protection System Components

The following components are needed to install a fire sprinkler in your home:

Water Supply

According to the NFPA standard, the house must have sufficient water supply that can last at least 10 minutes at the required pressure and flow. It can be sourced from the municipal water supply or a tank that stores water solely for the system.

Sprinkler Heads

A sprinkler head contains a trigger – usually a glass tube filled with heat-sensitive liquid – that will start the flow of water once the temperature of the sprinkler head reaches a certain point. There are many types of sprinkler heads, depending on their purpose and location.

Pendent fire sprinkler heads are installed on the ceiling and spray water downward in a circular motion. Sidewall sprinklers are installed on walls and shower water at a certain angle towards the floor.


There are various types of pipes used for fire sprinkler systems. They can be made of metal, CPVC (chloro-polyvinyl chloride), or PEX (cross-linked polyethylene).

These types of pipes can be combined depending on their purpose. Metal pipes are perfect for exposed pipes since they can withstand exposure to fire. On the other hand, thermoplastic pipes, like CPVC and PEX, can be used within the walls. These pipes are also less expensive and easier to install.

Two Types of Sprinkler Systems

For residential spaces, multipurpose fire sprinkler systems are recommended because they are cost-effective and less complex. They are integrated into the house’s plumbing system, which means they use the same pipes and water source as other plumbing fixtures in the home.

But, multipurpose systems may not be the best choice if you’re looking to retrofit the fire sprinklers in your home. In that case, standalone fire sprinkler systems, which have their own water supply and pipe network, can be your next option.

How Licensed Sprinkler Fitters Install the Fire System

To install the system, a pipe network must be inserted vertically within the walls and laid out horizontally within the ceiling and attic. Then, the sprinkler heads will be connected to the pipes at strategic locations to completely cover the whole house.

Hire a Certified Fire Sprinkler Installer

To have a well-functioning fire system at your home, you need to call a professional sprinkler contractor to install it for you. At HJ Pertzborn Plumbing & Fire Protection, we provide fire protection services such as fire system design, installation, repair, and inspection. Let our certified professionals keep you and your family safe from fires. Contact us today for a free estimate.