4 Plumbing Upgrades to Do for Spring

After a challenging winter for your home plumbing system, it’s best to inspect for issues that may have occurred during the colder months as soon as spring comes. Aside from repairs, it is the perfect time for plumbing upgrades, as the mild weather helps ensure your contractor can work efficiently and without delays. If you decide on updating your plumbing for spring, here are some things to consider:

Replace Old Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures like faucets, sinks, and toilets can wear out over time, affecting their performance and efficiency. While old components may still work, replacing them early can prevent problems like leaks and clogs, saving you from inconvenience and more costly repairs.

In addition, modern fixtures offer various benefits that will save you money in the long run. For instance, installing low-flow toilets or showerheads helps reduce water wastage, lowering utility bills.

Insulate Your Pipes

If you’re lucky not to have experienced frozen or burst pipes, ensuring it won’t happen is all the more essential. Insulating your pipes in spring is a great way to prevent them from freezing or cracking once the colder months return. Doing so also helps retain heat, allowing shorter wait times for a stable hot water supply.

Install a Water Softener

Hard water contains an excess amount of minerals, including magnesium and calcium. So, having it at home can lead to mineral buildup that can damage your pipes and fixtures, resulting in clogs and leaks. To combat this problem, invest in a water softener. It will reduce your water supply’s mineral levels, preventing costly plumbing issues in the future.

Upgrade to a Tankless Water Heater

An outdated water heater can result in higher energy bills and longer wait times for hot water. So, upgrading to a new unit, like a tankless kind, is beneficial. While conventional heaters work by heating water and holding it in a tank, tankless units do this on demand, helping reduce energy wastage.

Still, it’s best to consider your household size and needs before upgrading. To find out your home’s ideal water heater model, consult an expert.

Consult One of Our Plumbing Professionals

Learning about these spring upgrades can help achieve a more efficient residential plumbing system. If you need help from a professional, you can count on our trusted Madison plumbers at HJ Pertzborn Plumbing & Fire Protection. Contact us today to learn about our services!