Buying a New Water Heater: Factors To Consider

A water heater is a beneficial addition to your home, especially during the colder months. If you’re thinking about investing in this appliance, it’s best to choose the right one. But, doing so can be quite overwhelming as there are various factors to consider and options available in the market. To help you, read this water heater buying guide.

Type of Water Heater

The four main types include storage tanks, tankless, hybrid, and solar water heaters. These come with varying features and benefits. For instance, a tankless water heater only provides water on demand, while a storage tank allows you to have a supply of hot water.

Fuel Source

Water heaters may be powered by electricity, natural gas, or solar energy. Since electricity is widely available, it is the most commonly used. Meanwhile, natural gas water heaters offer lower operating costs. If you want an eco-friendly option, you can opt for a solar-powered one. Choosing your heater’s fuel source depends on availability, cost, and environmental considerations. 

Size and Capacity

To provide your home with adequate hot water, it’s crucial to have a properly sized water heater. When choosing, consider your household’s hot water requirements and the number of bathrooms and fixtures you have at home. To learn more about how to choose a water heater size, talk to an expert.

Installation and Maintenance

Water heaters have varying installation and maintenance requirements. Depending on the type you choose, it may require procedures like additional venting, electrical upgrades, or plumbing modifications, adding to the overall cost. When assessing your water heater’s maintenance needs, it’s also best to check its warranty, servicing, and availability of spare parts.

Energy and Efficiency

Another factor to consider when choosing a home water heater is energy efficiency. This is greatly beneficial, as it will help reduce your utility bills. To choose an energy-efficient water heater, look for models with a high energy factor (EF) rating. 

Reach Out to Us at HJ Pertzborn

With this water heater buying guide, you can better decide on what type to invest in for your home. Still, there are other factors to consider when choosing one, so it’s best to consult a professional. Contact HJ Pertzborn Plumbing & Fire Protection in Madison, WI for water heater repair services, installation, and more.